Sunday, April 25, 2010

We lost one!!

Ty lost his first tooth!! Woo hoo! Ok....It has been loose for over 2 months....his big boy tooth came in from behind and was pushing it out of the way....It has been practically falling out of his mouth for the last 2 weeks. Ty is usually pretty afraid of most new things. This was no exception. It took alot of patience on his mommy and daddy's parts to not yank it out about 30 days ago! :) But we let him do it in his own time and pull it himself so hopefully the rest of the baby teeth wont be so dramatic...LOL! He is so happy and is waiting patiently for the $20 his Papa promised him for pulling it himself. Ha ha! WOW!!! Papa is much nicer than the tooth fairy that only left him a $5. Btw...We put him down for bed at 8...still awake until around 930....Woke up at 1030... Came down the stairs and saw us sitting here....showed us the tooth fairy had come...Hmmm.....Didnt see her...She is pretty good! :)
Night Night Buddy.....I am proud of you! My baby is growing up!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a great story and pic!