Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Has it really been since Nov? It seems like the last few months have flown by and I have forgotten all about this blog......Well Thanksgiving in St Louis was hectic but great and Christmas and visits from family made Christmas a blast as well. Ty has started basketball. He scored in his very first game..WOO HOO! I still think he prefers soccer but he is really learning alot and toughening up...which he needs....He really enjoys daddy being his coach and Jay is doing a great job with alot of kids who started the yr with no clue how to play basketball. Jake is doing great...Learning his letters and how to write them....I am so proud he has taken an interest in this....I expected alot more fuss about learning from him but he is loving it! He has been great hanging out here with me and helping out in Ty's class. He is like one of the students up there and all the kids in Ty's class treat him like he is their own brother...trying to carry him, etc :) It finally seems to be settling down around here so I hope to blog more. Jake is sick right now and miserable, which makes me miserable...That combined with no sleep for all of us is making for a crabby house but I hope he is on the end of this virus or whatever he has got. I will add a couple pictures from the last couple months to catch you up :)

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